
I love love love my boyfriend, but...?

by  |  earlier

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we got to diffrent schools now and theres this guy there that i'm friends with that i keep finding myself wondering "how do i get his attention? i want him to like me..."

ive told my boyfriend i love him and i do but i havent seen him in a month and we're hanging out the day after tomorrow... what do i do?





    kunq mu anq ixanq tau d importante kunq

    qaqo man xea kc acu cu xea khetk alam kunq

    qaqo xea kc malaii mu dmatinq sxa time nua xcen

    xea tumino dba ? ilobk eu anszkie lqe ccitanq hihintayin khetk mei iba cca nua :(

  2. i love my boy friend hes a foot ball player 4 colts # 25 soules

  3. first say hey and go to your room and talk about wat yall like and tell him u love him and kiss kiss a lot

  4. im in your situation right now
    i love my boyfriend very much,, thats why i trust him alot
    stay in touch with him

  5. ok thats good but r u sure they love u / tell me?

  6. hi ,
       you will stay with him,If you really love him.

    Good luck

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