
I just got a new computer and I am having troubles moving files from my old computer to this new one.

by  |  earlier

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My old computer stopped charging and no one here can fix it, so today I went and bought a new laptop. I got most of my old files from my old laptop to this new computer (via flash drive) but I am having trouble moving a much larger file to the new computer. Any ideas what to do? I have about thirty minutes maybe left on the old computer before it dies completely, so I can't afford a second chance!




  1. IF the file is really big, compress it through a compression program like winrar. download it from

    Then copy the zipped file to the new computer and then uncompress it.

    It might help

  2. no, compressing process will drain the battery in an instance.

    Your best bet is salvaging the hdd of the old laptop. ask someone who knows to do this for u.

    Open the laptop, check the interface type (ide or sata). And then search ebay for an appropriate external box. Plug the old hdd in and u build yourself an external harddrive which can be used to transfer big file.

    good luck

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