
I have to report for jury duty on Friday, but I can't find anyone to watch my 9 year old daughter.?

by Guest60500  |  earlier

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I have no choice but to bring her with me, but is this allright? I don't want to get into trouble because I know I have to go, but I cna't just leave her at home, you know? Thanks in advance for your help...

OH it's Monterey county, CA




  1. Most jury situations have some sort of daycare.

  2. Take her with you and reschedule your appearance to a time when you can get a sitter.

  3. According to California law, "Neither stay at home parents nor childcare providers are exempt or excused from jury service. Children are not allowed in the courtrooms. Alternative arrangements will need to be made. Refer to the section titled "Postponement of Jury Service", if additional time is needed to arrange for childcare."

    Regarding postponement..."If you are not available on the date summoned to attend, you may for any reason, request a one-time postponement. Provide a new date within the next six (6) months (any Monday - Friday, except holidays)."

    The first link was a different county, but the second(for Monterey) agrees with the first. From the sound of it, you can try for a postponement for more time to set up childcare, but you cannot be exempt because of it and you cannot bring her. Good luck...

  4. then find someone.  You had plenty of time before.  It is tyour fault for not showing up.  you can get jailed or fined for not showing unless you have a valid reason.  and having a kid is not a valid reason since they give you plenty of time to settle your affairs.  I wish you luck...but, you did this to yourself.

  5. And how long have you had to take care of this?

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