
I have got a appointment leter from London castrol petrolium?

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I have got a appointment leter from London castrol petrolium?




  1. If you have an interview I hope your spoken English is a d**n sight better than your written English!

  2. Good !!!!!    Claim it an you'll have it.

    Have you ever watched the t.v show The secret or read the book?????

    This really works

  3. Let me guess, you've been offered a job you didn't even know you'd applied for? It's a scam, my friend.

  4. Are they taking you out to dinner?

    This is for Dining help...your sentence doesn't even ask a question.

  5. Is there a question hidden somewhere in your statement?  Just because you put a "?" on the end of a sentence structure, doesn't make it a question?  See, like that?  Yes like that?

  6. I have a letter from the TAX man with an appointment would you like to swop letters.

  7. Petroleum companies are dodgy.

  8. No such company 'London castrol petrolium' nor indeed 'London castrol petroleum' - try googling it and you'll see

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