
I have been saving up money, any tips?

by  |  earlier

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i have saved around $230 from june and the beginning of july.

i make $20 every time i babysit, which is whenever they call.

i make $45 for allowance a month, and then $10 for grass cutting.

i am saving up my money for a used jet ski.

dont tell me that i will never save enough, i really want it.

any tips or little jobs?




  1. try a garage sale

  2. Good Luck,

    You should ask around your neighborhood if you can walk dogs or water the plants around people's house. Oh another thing, if you can wash neighbors cars.

    Just some tips.

  3. You can always try selling things you don't use anymore. Try getting a few friends togeher and have a car wash, or a bake sale.

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