
I have an army question.

by Guest63343  |  earlier

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I want to enlist in the army and go serve my country in afghanistan or iraq. nobody understand my reason, because they think it's crazy i'm willing to put my life up for grabs to serve my country. when i die, whether it be in a week or 80 years, i want to know i did something that made a difference.

if i enlist in the army, would there be a way i could get sent right to iraq or something? and there's a lot going on in my family right now, and i feel i need to get away, and do something like this for myself and maybe make my parents proud.

so if anyone knows anything, let me know...thanks.




  1. Take that attitude you have, go to basic training, and get in a Infantry unit.  Make sure your recruiter hooks you up with an 11BRavo job because when you get done with basic you can request to go to a deploying unit and it will be easy because there are always people trying to get out of deployment and you can take their spot.  If you want the excitement you have to go in the Armys infantry branch.  Make sure you tell your recruiter 11 bravo or else you might be a cook or a truck driver out there.

  2. When and if you finally decide to take the step to actually sign up see if they are still offering an enlistment in a specific unit. While I was a Recruiter  (beaucoup years was not a specific "Go directly to War Option...(do not pass there was however a guaranteed training and unit of assignment enlistment option. If that is the way you want to go then check out Airborne,Ranger, Stryker Brigade and things like that which will get you into one of the Rapid Deployment units.

    The main thing is get to the recruiting station and ask these questions.It is then up to you to put the pen to the paper.  You don't like what you hear, walk away.

  3. Yes, enlist in infantry. Once you're done with all your training, and you're finished with training, go to your commander and ask for a deployment. They always need volunteers.  

  4. I'm sure your parent's will allway's be proud of you but no you can't go straight on Operation. If you join the British Army you have to do 14 week basic training,then you also have to do continuation training, depending on your role this could be anything upto a year. I admire you're willingness to serve your country and I may see you out there at some point

  5. if you wanna see combat and your a girl then join MPs or be a combat medic then go to airborne school and serve with a airborne unit and if their predeployed you might get shipped over to the box. Otherwise you'll  train with them and ship hope your in good shape.

  6. Ask a recruiter, either local or online.

  7. theres a 50/50 chance going no matter what branch you join no matter what your job is...but you can always request to go to iraq

  8. If you join the mariens, you wil be guarenteed to go to the war, but they treat their people bad, you wil be in tent city and have dust on verything.

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