
I have a slight vaginal itch near the whole of my v****a, whats wrong?

by  |  earlier

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And I was just treated for a bladder and yeast infection. It's been about 6 days since then. Itching is on and off.




  1. Hi,

    I know exactly how you feel! I used to suffer from yeast infections constantly and no matter how many different creams and pills I tried it always came back :(

    I was so embarrassed by it that I couldn't bare to keep going to the doctors. In the end I found this website on the internet which changed everything and made me feel myself again. If you want to take a look, it's at

    Hope it works for u too!

  2. Either of your infections probably didn't get totally treated. And with itching (as opposed to burning) I'd bet on the yeast infection. If you want, you can try a home treatment like Monistat. Or you can go to the doctor, and they'll make sure that it gets taken care of.

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