
I have a hamster and he has been getting bigger can hamster turn into a rat

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  1. sure

  2. yes it can please don't feed it any more ever.

  3. hamsters don't turn into rats! What are you thinking,and of course it's getting bigger! It's called GROWING...

  4. definitely not are you sure you never bought a guinea pig

  5. have you ever considered that it MIGHT be a rat. Haha sorry. just kidding :D

    anyways. I had a hamster once and it grew REALLY big. I asked the exact same question. It turns out that it is normal for a hamster to be almost as big as a rat. It's just that it's growing. Eventually it'll stop. Probably before it's TOO big. :)

    good luck

  6. Are you joking? Hamsters and rats are from completely different rodent subgroups. Hamsters are Cricetinae and rats are Muroidea. You probably have a Syrian hamster which can grow to be quite large.

  7. lol NO. maybe he was a baby or something and he's just getting older. But animals cannot turn into different types of animals. thats like saying "Oh yeah, yesterday my cat turned into a horse. Finally, NO HAIRBALLS!!" its a tad ridiculous.  

  8. My husband had the same experience and he said that the Hamster's kidneys failed and he was slowly dying.  He acted ok for about a week and then one day he was dead.  I would call your local vet to see what (if anything) you can do.  If he is sick, it may be more humane to have him put down so he doesn't suffer.  As for him turning into a rat, no I don't even think that's possible.

  9. Hamsters and rats are completely different.  Your hampster may get as big as a rat if you feed it that much, but its not going to start growing a hairless pink tail with grey hair and rabies.

  10. How can I put this... NO.

    Maybe you got him young? Maybe he was always a rat and is just growing into his true form

  11. um... turn into rat? NO impossible!

    maybe you just feed him too much that's all.

    rats and hamsters are two different things.

  12. no,...but they can turn into girbils! :) just kidding! and no offence but THAT IS REALLY DUMB! hamsters and rats are completly different! rats are smarter, cuter, cuddlier, and nicer than hamsters! they can learn their name and come to you when you call!

    hamsters are completly different! if this is a joke"haha"! YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE A HAMSTER! you know nothing about them!

    and eric rats do not have rabies! }:(

  13. Um, an animal cant turn into another animal, lol hamster and rat...different species.

    And you will just have a large hamster.

  14. No they can't turn into rats

  15. that would be like an elephant turning into a cheetah  

  16. yes of course. everyone knows that

  17. No more than a cat could turn into a lion if it got big. Just because the two species are related doesn't mean they can turn into each other at will.  

  18. dont think so no it could be that it is an incest some incest are over sized over weight or come out with leg mising etc it will just be big

  19. No, JEWELS, a hamster can not turn into a rat, or a bunny for that matter, that's like saying, can a human turn into a dog!

  20. No a hamster and a rat are two different animals. You'll just have a big hamster, not a rat.

  21. No but they can turn into bunnies

  22. No, a hamster is a hamster and a rat is a rat.  Does it have a short, stubby tail?  If so it's a hamster.  Maybe you are just overfeeding him.

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