
I drink about a litre of Orange juice a day...?

by  |  earlier

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As the question says I drink about a litre of Orange juice a day. Is that good for me or is that pushing it too far? I don't get the runs and my health is perfectly fine, and I just can't get enough of the stuff! lol.

Just wondering if theres any health issues other than teeth I should be considering when I drink a lot of it.

PS: I don't really like drinking water.




  1. It's almost impossible to get a straight answer on this. I have been up and down the internet looking for a simple yes or no but to no avail. Sugar content seems to be the main concern here. Like the thread starter I don't like drinking water and I'm one of those people who can't eat certain textures so eating fruit doesn't really work for me. You have to do what you can with what you've got. I'm trying switching from Tea to Orange Juice, Tea apparently takes the water out of your blood, dehydrates you, where as OJ as far as I know doesn't do this. But then when I heard there is the same amount of sugar in a can of Cola as there is in OJ I have to admit I am considering another approach. I will try adding half water to the orange juice.

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