
I constantly narrate myself! Am I insane?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know whether it is because I have a lot of time on my hands, or whether I am insane but I narrate nearly everything I do in third person.

Also, I refer to myself as 'we' when my mind is somewhere else. I don't do this when talking to other people, only when thinking.

I've never had a mental illness. I don't feel unstable at all.

Am I overreacting? Am I normal?




  1. Yes, that's one of the first signs of schizophrenia. Sorry for your loss.

  2. Hm I do that sometimes but not on a regular basis. It's weird the moments in my life that I narrate I tend to remember more. Like I actually have more memories of me narrating then when I'm just doing stuff.

  3. i dont think its insane.

    if its starts getting TOO severe though

    ( youll know)

    you should see a therapist

  4. nothing to worry about it just means your constantly thinking about what your doing and your very aware of whats around you i do it to and the we is an easy mistake everyone does d/w  

  5. I guess just don't let anyone catch you doing it :)

  6. I thought everyone did this.

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