
I bought a ceramic hand with the nativity scene, and i was wondering if methodist believe in it.

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I bought a ceramic hand with the nativity scene, and i was wondering if methodist believe in it.




  1. Well, Methodists believe in the Nativity, yes. And as for the hand, which is presumably the hand of God, Methodists believe in God too, and I would imagine it's not a stretch to say God had a hand in the Nativity, no matter how a denomination views the Holy Trinity. I'm not seeing any elements that would be controversial for Methodists.

    It's a very basic depiction of an event in the Bible, so I'm having trouble imagining a reason that any Christian denomination would have a problem with it, really.

  2. The Nativity scene is just a decoration commemmorative of the birth of Christ.

    I was thinking last year how decorations must seem to people from other countries...hahaha.In one yard you might find gifts, lights...candy canes, toy soldiers,sleds...all in one yard.What a riot of confusion.A happy celebration. But,hey ,we are like that. lol Diversity in unity..or Unity in Diversity.

    We even have people here in this area that turn on their "Christmas " lights in July if it's a lovely evening and they feel they want to celebrate God's love in the land.I enjoy them as they are uplifting and joyous.

    Pictures, lights and all are just reminders of God and His Son to us.The decorations are a way of celebrating.

  3. Believe in what?


    I'm pretty sure they do.  I think some even take classes to make ceramic figurines.

    Yes..God bless those crazy Methodists.

    (By the way, all the Methodists I know also celebrate the birth of Christ--with natitivity scenes and all).

  4. If you're interested, this is a popular forum for Methodist Christians, you may find more answers here...

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