
I am taking norvasc ( 5 mg) for high blood , can i take cialis and at what dosage /?

by  |  earlier

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I am taking norvasc ( 5 mg) for high blood , can i take cialis and at what dosage /?




  1. You are a glutton for punishment or have a death wish!!!!!

    If you saw the potential side effects relating to cardio-vascular operation you would stay clear of it !! The potential of stroke , heart attack -do i have to continue??- Especially when someone has high blood pressure -hypertension !! i believe the limit was 170/100 !! That is where you find the greatest risk!!

       There are alternative ways of treating high blood pressure without a lifetime of being on drugs that don't work anyway!!

      Search them out and then maybe you can use your cialis!!!!!!!!

  2. Why in NED's name are you asking a question like that in Alternative Medicine??  These people don't know squat about pharmacology.  You should be asking your doctor who prescribed the Norvasc and Cialis.

    Norvasc is a blood pressure agent that belongs to a class known as Calcium Channel Blockers.  There is a theoretical potential for your blood pressure to be lowered too much...which may make you dizzy or even pass out.  The warnings are usually more for men on nitroglycerin for angina, where there is much more likelihood of low BP from drug interaction

    Since Cialis is along acting would be more reasonable to see how you do by using a low dose of either Viagra or Levitra first.  This is all assuming you have an actual indication for one of the ED drugs in the first place and you haven't just got some black market or Internet drug.  It isn't a cure for low libido...just aids in the mechanical hydraulics of penile engorgement.

    (*NED=Non Existent Deity)

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