
I am scared of earth now!?

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I am freakin out! WHY WHY WHY DID WE HAVE TO HAVE THE COLD WAR WHYYYYYY! Because of the Cold War we now have Nuclear weapons and I am scared of a nuclear war, why would we have one when no one will win, it will split the earth and destroy us all! I am scared!!! My bro said that Hillary Clinton is threatening Iraq and Iran with a NUCLEAR BOMB yeah.... nice way to start out as president DESTROYING THE EARTH! Why can't the world be perfect, WHHYYYY NOT? I am so sad about it, and whats with this whole "the worlds gonna end in 2012" it is scaring me, I WON'T EVEN BE A SENIOR BY THEN!!!! I don't want us all to die, buuuuuut my church said that God is coming before than and will take all the good people to a new place where we can't be harmed in any way!!! I hope that that is true, I hate nuclear stuff, don't people get it??? If we get in a war than all the innocent people will die! We won't get a chance to live! I wanted to have kids and live life, I want to die of old age (eeeeeeww)!!!




  1. SO, my thought is that there could be a natural disaster in your city and you could be wiped off the earth. Are you staying up worrying about that??

    The world was supposed to end when Y2K came. There will always be "world ending" stories. I just googled it. ENDLESS.

    TEOTWAWKI stand for  The End Of The World As We Know It.

    I could brainstorm a prediction and toss it out there. Anyone can.

    My advice is to live your life. There may be no tomorrow. Make what you can out of what you had.

    STOP freaking out!!

  2. It is absurd to be afraid of death, in any situation. Believe it as a fact that the human civilisation will come to an end, even before the earth crashes. There are many species on earth which were treading on the earth, like Dinosaurs etc and many more which are being endangered and likely to be extinct. The same fate may befall us. So be it. Millions of men were born and died, even other wise. If as a species, we have to go, you ought not to have any complaint, for there would be equality at least in death.

  3. Duck, tuck and cover!

  4. Hello,,like the old saying goes,,"we all gotta die sometime!","the horror! the horror!" you just be ready to kill or be killed,,that it the question,,are you ready,,here it COMES!!!

  5. Chill. I was often the "curtain monitor" during A-bomb drills in grade school. We lived through that just fine.

    Just deal with it or make legal use of our friends in the Pharmaceutical industry. Or get a good massage. Quick!

  6. OMG, you are only about 2 decades late.

  7. When a guy says something like this let me know....LOL

  8. Forget the Nuclear weapons, those should be the least of your worries.  

    Try this one on for size: New World Order, which has been in the works since before WWI.

  9. You are a drama Queen.

    we have Nuclear wepons because of WW2

    I lived at your age during the cold war when Reagan was president.  I was scared.  Nuclear war was an issue, and it freked me out.  I also went to a christian fundamentalist church and they all said jesus and the rapture was comeing years ago.

    Truth is....

    No one it says in the bible if you belive will know when the earth will end or Jesus comes back, it will happen like a theif in the night.  So don't worry about it.

    Also, don't worry about Nuclear war, no good will come of it.

    Enjoy your youth, plan for a good life work hard and have fun, like a kid should.

    Every generation thinks the world is going to end....

    You are living up to your handle as a drama queen.

  10. The world has been on the brink of destruction my whole life! I am a great deal older than you. I have survived the Cold war, the Arms race, October surpise ect. Guess what? I am still here! When I was young many people were like you and feared nuclear war, they built bomb shelters in their backyards and kept them stocked. Everyone was sure we only had days left before the end. Yet we didnt die and life went on. This 2012 c**p is just the new generation if hysteria going around, I wouldnt pay it much attention if I was you! Remember they said California was going to fall into the ocean and that the earth would be unable to support life after 1990. In the 1900s they thought that Halleys Comet was going to destroy the earth! None of it has happened! It is a possibility, however remote and the odds are that it wont. Go live your life and years from now you can comfort your kids when they are afraid of the next big thing.

  11. Someone put her out of her misery.

  12. A "cold" war is without bombs...just a standoff.

    A "hot" war is with nukes or bombs.

    Be glad we have a cold war.

  13. Decode this lyrics " Don't worry be happy"

    Why scared?

    When one just dip up one own's grave.

    One can't dig on the concrete with a spade.

    Surely one dig up the Earth.

    Too bad one come across another empty skeleton of skull and bones that occupy the space back in the past.

    Where to hide that extra skeleton of skull and bones in time?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  14. World History, if you recall, gave us the cold war through several traitors that worked on top secret projects in the States! They thought as many Liberals think today; that one must have a balance of power to keep the peace! We may note that wars we fought were basically balanced except for one thing; our resolve to keep our freedoms and that our Nation could out produce others that would eventually win these wars that we did not start! We hear all kinds of lies about our past in America! One student claimed that we stole most of Texas from Mexico instead of acknowledging the Gladstone Purchase! We bought Alaska from Russia, but sure as heck, we will see some Liberal teacher suggest we stole it! One should ask what is happening with the facts in our American History classes? No wonder we have Americans complaining about us, they have no truth and are lied to! One may note that the man that betrayed us is living in England as a free man and could be alive to this day! We executed a husband and wife for being traitors, but, later found them innocent! America is great because some of our past leaders did not have Communists in their colleges guiding students to activism: FBI report obtained by the Freedom of Information Act! So why did we loose the Vietnam War? Communists had already been assigned and were already in our colleges to lead others against it! We won the battles, and lost the war through politics! One may note that Senior George made sure that any war when he was President would not be political! Was it? NO! Did we loose it? NO! We got what we went after... those oil flields that were stolen by Iraq! Note that even lifestyles are becoming political and others try to force their moral ideas by using our elected Liberals! Seems like we all have a right to our own ideas of morals without others trying to tell us what is right by passing laws that defy nature! Hillary is all talk and she says one thing, just as her former husband did, then would do another! NAFTA as an example, for Union people, and others that may have moral values! Earl

  15. Please dont be afraid.  I know that is easier said than done but I use to feel the same way, I am in my 50's and felt the way you do when I was younger. I dont know what the future holds but what should you do?  LIve your life the best you can every moment.  That means to be happy and not worry about whatever you cannot control.  Have faith and just that you are worrying about innocent people I know you are a good person.  God will take care of the innocent, I know he will!  I dont know how but why would he send an innocent to torment?  He wouldnt!  RElax and have trust.  It will be OK>

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