
I am installing new concrete steps.Can I put the new steps over the old steps or will this lead to cracking?

by  |  earlier

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The new steps will be larger and wider. Will it help if I use metal mesh? I will accept small cracks but I do not want a major problem with cracks.




  1. no, you should take your old stairs out. becase it will crack becase the old steps wont let the new steps stettle. and put ramrods in the new stair so they dont crack.

  2. Better remove the old ones. This will lead to cracking because the old steps and new wont seal together, over time it will just crumble and then you will just have to do this again. Dont forget when adding the new steps to use rebar, or use a concrete that has alot of fiber in it.

  3. when in duobt, tear it out. i went over old steps in my first house, and the new turned out fine because the old had sank so far down (6" in some spots) that i used this as a base, and to save some work and concrete. however, in your case i would say why scrimp and risk a botched job later on. better to be safe than sorry. the metal mesh will keep the steps from totally separating if the cracks develop down the road. be sure you form it up nice, try to get the mesh to stay about 2"

    below the top of your pour, weave it continuosly from step to step, and use a vibrator, if you can, to reduce what is known as "honeycomb". if nothing else, as you pour the cement, beat all the boards w/a hammer to ensure proper settlement.


  4. no

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