
I am getting dwarf hamsters soon?

by  |  earlier

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as soon as i am able to i am getting dwarf hammies so any links on good cages i prob am getting 2 boys aslong as boys get along so do they or dont they!!!!!! =)




  1. this is the cage i have and its a good cage i got it 2 days ago its a good cage that the hamsters can not escape out of and its habitrail ovo it costs about 24.99 and you can get tubes to expand the cage area if you think its to small hope i helped

  2. well i dont have  any links but i can tell you to keep it simple without tubes because hamsters can escape, lots of people will tell you to get a cage wit tubes  ... Its up to you but believe me i have a dwarf hamster and i HAD  a cage with tubes!!

  3. Keep the cage simple as you dont want it to take an hour to clean it out ! lol , also i have been told by pet shops that it is not a good idea to put two hamsters together as they will fight ! good luck xx

  4. male hamsters are fine together but female hamsters fight.

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