
How will climate change affect Natural Selection?

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I've heard that dramatic changes to environments/ecosystems can lead to very fast jumps in terms of the natural selection

process, and also can lead to natural selection starting to travel down unexpected new paths. Does anyone have any good examples of how changes to climate could spur on natural selection? (Note: I'm not talking about behavioural changes, but rather physical/evolutionary changes).




  1. Climate change will affect the world's diverse Ecosystems. Once the food chain changes, krill for instance, those that feed on these tiny creations will surely suffer and go by the wayside. But, there will be other creatures that prosper, such as the jellyfish. We should understand that this is not new and many species have come and gone until the arrival of Humans. It may be sad to see it happening before our eyes as opposed to reading about it in a History book, but it is all good. Who knows, in 3 billion years, the Jellies will be the most intelligent form of life on this planet. Humans had their chance and now time has run out, but its all NATURAL.

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