
How to find public records on-line.?

by  |  earlier

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Specifically city and state records. Not searching for paid websites.





  2. try, they offer an extensive public records page for free! good luck!

  3. Type in "Public Records for whatever city. state" and it should show up....

    Here where i live you can look up who has to be in court and why....The website is  so try like another state with that address like -for tennessee -maybe it will work

  4. Hi.

    You can do it at the local county offices or the county official records website. You can also do a free search at the site below but it cost money for the full data.

  5. Depends on what type of records..driving records? criminal records?and what state?..Most of the time you can go to the state office for whatever record you want and pay a fee to obtain that record. For example, to get the drivers record go to to Dept. of motor vehicles and pay fee to get driver record.

    Also, sometimes states have a state courts online..basically a place to view past cases they have went to court. Sometimes you can search by last name and get a history of all court cases..but sometimes the details can be vague.

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