
How to change cell phone caller ID?

by Guest55564  |  earlier

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I use T-Mobile, I remember the lady told me to call customer service but what category would changing caller ID be under?

Will everyone I call see my ID when I change it? Even with long distance?

Oh, and I have another question....

Will I be charged with cash fees if I call someone's home phone from my cell phone even if they live in the US?

I live in Oklahoma and the person I call is from Texas....




  1. if you call using your cell phone and have minutes then you shouldnt be charged.. its when u go over ur plan minutes u get charged

  2. just get someone on the phone from customer service and tell them what you want to do,they will take care of that.if you have free minutes it will not cost till you run out of minutes,then every call cost.even if they call you.

  3. Not sure what you mean. But if you really want to change your caller ID to another number it can be done very easy. You can even try it using an on-line website.

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