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when asked in a job interview "what does integrity means to you" what do they expect to hear?




  1. Integrity means:  Always Doing the Right Thing

    Integrity comes from something within  you that drives you or your actions. Knowing right from wrong and always choosing to do right.

    There will be many times in your life that part of you really wants to do or say something that you know is wrong:

    For example some people do lack integrity by always being mean-spirited, unfair to someone or something, Cheating or  just plain Dishonest with themselves or someone else, not being accountable for their bad actions..

      But if you have integrity,  YOU CHOOSE Not to do the Wrong Thing, ( because you know it is wrong). YOU CHOOSE to do the Right Thing.

  2. it means tell them wot they stand for as a company! strong work ethic, honesty.....etc....

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