
How to Get Popular Fast?

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I start 7th grade on Monday, and this is a public school, I want to Make my last year at this school good really good, because in eighth grade I am transferring to a private school, and I have never been popular




  1. What is popularity other than something a "NERD" such as yourself believes in as hope because other kids("POPULAR ONES") Are having fun with their dates instead of sittig at home playing the xbox 360 huh.Or Dungeons and Dragons,Or Naruto.

  2. no one can tell you how to get popular,

    just be yourself and make freinds with people you actually like and who actually like you

    if these people happen to be the popular crowd then good for you

    but if not, at least you have some really good friends.

    trust me i know.

    i used to hang out with the popular girls (who id known since kindergarden) just cause i wanted to be popular.. i actually thought most of them were really annoying but i didnt want to ditch them cause i thought they were really my friends.

    but they ended up compeltely turning on me, and getting half the school against me to. it was AWFUL. i refused to go to school and had a panic attack the morning my mom forced me to go. after that i attempted suicide but my mom found me.

    she then let me transfer schools.

    i was pretty good friends with one girl there and now were best friends. i have alot of other amazing friends that go there. they would do anything for me and i would do anything for them.. and theyve demonstrated this quite a few times.

    i love them to death, there the greatest people i know.

    im completely comfortable around them, i dont have to peretend to be something im not.

    and thats all that matters.

    if we wernt popular that wouldnt make much differnce to me at all

    cause there the ones that make me happy, not popularity.

    find true friends, no matter how popular they are

    and youll have the best school year ever.

  3. just act yourself. be real and honest. :-)

  4. Here is a secret: The popular people aren't always the happy ones.  Honestly the best advice I can give you is to be friends with the people who love you for who you are

  5. lol popularity doesnt matter...

    why be popular?

    just be yourself

    and chill with your friends

    who cares if your popular or not

  6. Yo man....check out this video, i found it helpful when i was the outcast of my school

  7. Put yourself out there.

    Have fun, talk to people you usually dont, compliments.  

  8. Dont wory about being popular. Worry about doing a good job and being more efficient and making most of your life. When you are the best in any field you choose, you don't need the approval of people around, they'd be the ones to get your approval and would want to please you.  

  9. Don't focus on popularity at the public or the private school. Focus on developing true friendships. I hope you will consider what I am saying.

    I went to school with a girl named Nikki. When she moved to our school in fifth grade, the teacher assigned me to be her "buddy" and show her around and introduce her to my friends. We were not the most popular girls in the class, but we were cute and sweet and smart and fun.

    Within a day, Nikki ditched us for the popular clique of girls and never looked back. She was also a s****. ***** to everyone not as popular.

    I was sort of "whatever" about it until 11th grade.

    I didn't want to know this information, but you know how rumors at school can be. Nikki was pregnant by one of two popular athletes. I was pretty sure it was true because there were two very pale looking football players in my econ class who had dated her.

    Word was she was going to get an abortion without her parents finding out. Good luck, I thought, I was surprised it was not on the TV news, frankly, the way it was the topic of the month.

    One morning a few weeks after the news broke, I arrived early at my locker which was near Nikki's the same popular clique she'd ditched us for, her best friends for the last six years, were at her locker laughing. They ran off without seeing me. They had hung a naked baby doll from a red rope from the top of her locker and sprayed ketchup all over it and written s**t and w***e in ketchup and marker.

    I saw Nikki coming around the corner and I ran even though I was far from the only one in the hallway. It wasn't crowded but it wasn't empty. I wanted to get away from her reaction but I could hear her screaming and crying all the way down the stairs. I'll never forget it. I didn't (and don't even though we are Facebook friends now 20 years later) and don't like her that much, but she didn't deserve this.

    These were her FRIENDS. Her BEST friends since fifth grade. I don't know to this day if she knows who did it. It really could have been anyone in the school. She was a snobbish ***** to a lot of people.

    From that day forward, I didn't think being popular was worth it.

    Being in the popular clique is not a way to make true and lasting friendships. There's so much backstabbing. So many unwritten rules that can change at any time. It's not like her friends were all virgins or anything either. Yet the fact that she "got knocked up" made her a target that fast after being friends with them for six years.

    Quite honestly, I don't think being popular in school is worth it. It certainly won't matter when you're an adult.

    They hung up a  

  10. being popular is overrated. just be yourself and make true friends.

  11. First don't act mean act nice and funny and try not to get into problems also act like yourself.

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