
How much would you pay for a Wii Fit near to christmas?

by Guest61423  |  earlier

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i am thinking selling my Wii Fits, but not sure how much people are willing to pay for them. any help would be great.




  1. They normally average around 169.88 United States Dollars.

  2. If you put them on Ebay now, they go for around the £100 mark.

    If you wait till nearer Christmas, i think the demand will be higher so you may get more.

    If you want any unlocks, tips or tricks for your Wii Fit, visit my website

    Many thanks, Steven

  3. you are better off selling it during the holladays because people will not want to play full price at the stores and go to ebay to look for a good deal

  4. Im sure that Wii Fit will still be in demand by the holidays, so you may get more money if you sell it on ebay around then.

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