
How much would a tattoo of a treble clef cost, if i had it tattooed onto my wrist?

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How much would a tattoo of a treble clef cost, if i had it tattooed onto my wrist?




  1. Everyone asks questions about price.  Prices vary from shop to shop and are determined by the shop.  Typically a shop  has a minimum price they charge and then they go per hour.  It depends on the size of the piece, the quality of the artist, the detail of the piece, etc. Your best bet is to take the picture you want to various shops and have them price it out for you. Just remember with tattoo's, you get what you pay for typically.  So if you go cheap, you will get cheap work.  Good Luck!

  2. if you are talking a small one. less than 2 inches or around that size...

    no specific detailing....

    probly the shop minimum, under $100 i'm sure.

    it can probly be banged out in under 30 min so they won't charge you much.

    but don't hold me to that since each shop has different pricing and rules

  3. it all depends where you go to get it

  4. Awe, I saw someone else who had that, with music notes going around their wrist.

    I think it's really cute.

    It depends on your artist on how they'll charge you. Going by size, I'd say around, if not under 50.

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