
How much should i charge for babysitting my little baby cousin?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to start babysitting my baby cousin and he is 2months old. But i dont know how much to charge?




  1. The going rate for a licenced daycare provider in my area for a child this age is 31.00 full time

  2. do u really think u should charge ur family?

  3. Now this is something I can answer. My mom has 2 brothers and a sister and all have kids. My aunt has a girl (3) and a boy (1). One of her brothers has 2 girls (4 and 2) and the other has a girl (1 in november). My aunt doesn't normally pay me, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I don't really mind watching them, 'cause they're family and I love them!! Both my uncles pay me. The one with 2 girls pays me depending on how much time I babysit them. Normally it's between 10 and 20 dollars. My other uncle pays me 10 or 15 dollars if he has it on him.

    Now I'd say it depends on how long you babysit your little cousin.

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