
How much money does a customs broker earn with only a licensed no experince?

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  1. It's possible. There are plenty of small firms that need a license to just conduct customs work. Most firms already can do the work. You just just rent it out for a fee and hope they don't mess anything up or it's your a*s. But as they stated the only real way it to be a true broker is by starting at the bottom. I started as a runner and worked my way up and now 3 years later at age 23, i'm a licensed broker. I passed the exam October 2009. I'm in the process of MT to manage a complience department at a very well known firm. In no means is it easy. There are tons of things to know and understand. But and the end of the day the money is there.I make triple the amount I was making 3 years ago and promised more down the road. I suggest you do what you can to get experience. There is a huge growing demand.

  2. Nothing. You might as well have a Yacht builders license without ever setting foot on a boat.

    You cannot make any money at all and nobody will hire you. The only way is to start off as a low paid clerk and work your way up. There is no other way. The license without and experience is worthless.

  3. It all depens if they can spell experience.

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