
How much does it cost to take money out of a structured settlement?

by  |  earlier

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Let's say for example I have $140,000 in the bank that will be payed to me over the next 20 years, with a payment every 4 years. How much would it cost if I wanted to take out $40,000 out of my structured settlement? I'm just looking for rough numbers of what companies charge for taking money out in advance of a structured settlement (not a lump sum because I want only 40k)?




  1. There are a couple of different factors taken into consideration before giving you a quote. Also, you dont have to sell alll of your payments just a part of them in order to get the cash that you need. Also, be aware that this is a court process so it may take several weeks. If you have any questions call 877-844-5445 or go to to learn more

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