
How much do escort services usually cost?

by  |  earlier

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just a curiosity thing, i am a girl so i would never really pay for it, and i would never dream of doing it...

but im just wondering how much people usually pay for massages or like actually the real deal. LoL sorry if that sounds funny.




  1. the rate I've seen on most girls is $225-350 an hour though those who are exceptionally beautiful and market themselves well can charge much more, maybe $1200 a night.

  2.  $100 for a half hour with ending, $150 for 2 girls. Out of this, the person booking appts and managing the biz gets 20-30%. So, you basically make $75 every appt. Now, if one does extra, there are "tips" on this "donation"

  3. How common place is it to have an escort go to an event and not be asked for 'special' services?  I've read different stories on the internet that this occurs and they get highly paid for just being a companion and nothing else.

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