
How long will zwinky suspend your account?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i can also get kicked off like i did twcie so itd epends if someone reported u and lie about wat u did like they cna make up stuff so u know it depends but yeah

  2. I got suspened for 3 days, it was my 3rd time geting suspended tho,, So dont worry its only fro a few days,,

    1 month, 6 day(s) ago(0)(0)Reporti onlu qoy suspended one time :[ and they said at 5:00 eastern time . an ish 5:25 and the won't let me on ! :'[

    reply : That is because Zwinky time runs differently from regular time,, I live in Washington,, and Zwinky is several hrs ahead of meh

    I know alot about zwinkyy, so if u have any questions, then e-mail meh at : ,, i also have tan cheats adn invisable cheats!! [xx

  3. i onlu qoy suspended one time :[ and they said at 5:00 eastern time . an  ish 5:25 and the won't let me on ! :'[

  4. first time mine was suspended was 1 day the second time was 3 days of i guess it depends how many times u were suspended.

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