
How long mandarin chinese can be learned?

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im studying mandarin chinese for 3 months and i can speak mandarin chinese in simple sentence.. one thing i wonder when i listen to mandarin chinese songs i can only understands simple words but i cannot get the meaning of the lyrics...please help,. im willing to accept comments on easy way to learn this language..




  1. Here is a site that is proven to have you speaking Chinese fluently in a few weeks, and they will give you a money back guarantee in case you don't learn it. Comes with an E-book (online textbook) and a course that goes along with it. I used this site to learn Italian last year and now I'm tutoring it in college, so it is a program I believe in.

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do, but I would recommend checking out that site. They also have other languages and Rocket Learning is a respectable company, along with Clickbank the company that sells their products.

    Good luck,

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