
How is relative dating done?

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How is relative dating done?




  1. Assuming you are not talking about dating your cousin, the following is offered.

    Relative dating

    Before the advent of absolute dating in the 20th century, archaeologists and geologists were largely limited to the use of relative dating techniques. It estimates the order of prehistoric and geological events were determined by using basic stratigraphic rules, and by observing where fossil organisms lay in the geological record, stratified bands of rocks present throughout the world.

    Though relative dating can determine the order in which a series of events occurred, not when they occurred, it is in no way inferior to radiometric dating; in fact, relative dating by biostratigraphy is the preferred method in paleontology, and is in some respects more accurate.(Stanley, 167-9)


    The principles of relative dating use a combination of fossil study and structural interpretation to learn about the geological history of an area. The rules of relative dating for continuous stratigraphic sequences were worked out long ago, by scientists such as Nicolas Steno (1638-86):

    The Law of superposition states that in any undisturbed geologic sequence, older beds lie below younger beds.

    The principle of original horizontality states that whether rock beds are deformed or not, they were originally deposited on a horizontal surface.

    The principle of lateral continuity states that a given rock bed will extend horizontally for some distance, until it thins out or reaches the edge of a depositional basin.

    The principle of cross-cutting relationships states that any geologic feature that off-sets or intersects a series of beds (such as a fault, d**e, or sill) must be younger than the beds it cuts across.

    The principle of intrusion states that if a body of rock contains intrusions of another type of rock, it must be younger than the source rock

    Principle of Biostratic Fossil Correlation states that if an index fossil of a known age is found in a rock formation, that formation is of the same approximate age as the index fossil. This principle represents a modern extrapolation of the older principle of floral and faunal succession, which noted increasing complexity of creatures in successively younger rock strata.

    These principles are highly useful in interpreting geologic history. For instance, an angular unconformity with horizontal beds above it indicates a sequence in which:

    The original strata were deposited horizontally.

    The strata were tilted and deformed.

    Much of the strata were eroded away.

    Deposition later began anew above the unconformity.

    For more information and references, see the site below.

  2. invite her i n ur room. lol

  3. Behind closed doors, I hope!

    I hope no one believes the old rhyme about incest is best!

    Seriously, relative dating is used to determine the relative ages of geologic strata, artifacts, historical events, etc. Some types of relative dating techniques include climate chronology, dendrochronology, ice core sampling, stratigraphy, and seriation.

  4. what do you mean.?

    date with relatives.?

  5. you start by marrying your sister..................

  6. on a special occasion .

  7. Wow what a vague question... and so open for interpretation, be prepared for the satirical replies.

  8. Its not unless you're from Kentucky.

  9. Ummm.....if you want to date one of your relatives(!?), then do it under the cover of darkness! But you'll get caught out eventually.

  10. just proof of how many idiots are out there, huh?  PEOPLE, notice that this question is asked under the heading ANTHROPOLOGY-------he is asking about a concept called "relative dating," kinda like carbon dating, etc.  

    I can just picture a bunch of rednecks with missing teeth going "I dunno!  Maybe when you marry your first cousin!  Ah-hee!"

    Hopefully there are some people who can help you with an intelligent answer.

  11. It's done at the end of a shotgun barrel I think?

  12. behind the scenes

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