
How is mankind doing?

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How is mankind doing?




  1. I don't really want the 10 points but what I really think is that mankind really needs to step it up a notch. We have MILLIONS of people dying in Africa do to AIDs, a war in the middle east that probably won't end any time soon, Gas prices soaring so high that it will never come down and people are refusing to accept that we will need alternative fuels in the next few decades,

    I could keep going but that's enough right now if you think about it.

  2. pretty terrible

  3. uh...if  u generalise mankind....hmm....(now a days iam trying to b optimistic so)...its half good!

    much more to achive!

  4. Prettaaaay . . . prettaaaay . . . pretty good.

    From cavemen to cyberkids in 12,000 years.  

    From the law of the jungle to the rule of law.  

    So far, so good.  Still a long way to go. . .

  5. This is a great question!  A friend of mine has said that some people look at problems like hunger and homelessness and see problems, but he sees opportunities.  I thought "Wow!  What a brilliant man!  Of course, that's how I happen to think too!"  It could be that we are at one of those crossroads in human history where we have the opportunity to "grow up" as a race...and I'm talking about the human race...or we can destroy the entire planet.  I'm an optimist, so I look for happy endings, but, there are no guarantees.

  6. It's hard to imagine how could we be doing any worse?  Expectations of us have evolved faster than our bodies, causing all sorts of problems from carpal tunnel syndrome to ADD.  ADD used to be a beneficial trait that is only recently being considered undesireable as more of us are expected to sit behind desks (school or work) all day.

    We have made a fine start of ruining our planet, and it seems we will continue to do so.  Our population growth is out of control, and is the main reason behind all of our problems.

    50 years ago, it was predicted we would have so much leisure time on our hands that we wouldn't know what to do with it all.  Machines would be doing our work for us.  Instead, machines, including computers, have made it possible to do in an hour what it took a week to accomplish just a half century ago, and what do we do?  We work even more hours than we did then.

  7. We are getting better.

    Genocide used to the the rules of war - now it's a war crime.

    Women used to be property - now they're on their way to equality.

    We don't talk about 150 million people starving to death every year as they did in the 1960's - now we're worried that they're not eating well enough.

    Bangladesh is no longer the "basket case of the world"

    Poverty banks and organizations like Kiva are rewriting the history of poverty in the third world.

    Nazism is dead - so is Communism.  China's acting human again.

    We have a long way to go, but we're going in the right direction.

  8. Its hard to say, its funny no matter who you ask with their religious or political views will say WERE SCREWED! I think that we are going to see man springboard into the next stage of evolution. Almost like 2001 a space odyssey computers are going to really step things up and hopefully they dont try to kill us like 2001. Science is really starting to take off, things like the large hardon collider about to come online and theories coming together about the origin of life and possible life on other planets. We'll just have to see.
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