
How does tsunami affect earth's landforms?

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  1. kurt owns a garage filled with trucks

  2. tsunami effect Earth's rotation, it decreases the length of day, slightly changes the planet's shape, and shifts the North Pole by centimeters. The earthquakes that created the huge devastations can also change the Earth's rotation.

  3. monster truck

  4. your all g**s

  5. A tsunami is a series of waves generated in an ocean or other body of water by a disturbance such as an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or meteorite impact. The picture at the left shows how an earthquake can generate a tsunami in the overlying water.

    Undersea earthquakes, which typically occur at boundaries between Earth’s tectonic plates, cause the water above to be moved up or down. Tsunami waves are formed as the displaced water, which acts under the influence of gravity, attempts to find a stable position again.

    Undersea landslides, which can be caused by large earthquakes, can also cause tsunami waves to form as water attempts to find a stable position.

    Undersea volcano eruptions can create enough force to uplift the water column and generate a tsunami.

    Asteroid impacts disturb the water from above, as momentum from falling debris is transferred to the water into which the debris falls.


  6. i drive trucks ~ by kurt

  7. ,,l,,

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  9. marwan is g*y with zidane

  10. numaan is g*y with his nose

  11. Nouman's big a*s nose.

  12. numaans sucks

  13. cvhshgfjdgnmdhn

  14. me and fahim's mum

  15. yeah and it also destroys the enviroment destroying buidings by planting the peices of buidings into the soil and it splatters the soil all over the place which means lesser land and dont forget and sometimes kills plants like what he/she said and just to say nice answer!!

  16. When a tsunami wave comes ashore, it can affect a huge area of land, transforming the landscape. First, a tsunami wave throws salty seawater over the land. Too much salt is bad for living things, so if soil becomes to salty, crops cannot grow or will not grow well. In addition, The force of a tsunami can also ruin pipelines and factories. This lets out sewage, oil, or dangerous chemicals into the environment. It can take many years for the environment to go back to normal.

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