
How do you want America to improve?

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Examples and own input:

The terrorism war: Let's do it right, for the right reasons, and do it to win.

Increases in the standard of living. I do not believe that it's so OK to look the other way and act like some people do not deserve better ever for lack of dotted i's and crossed T's.

Politicians: Don't run to beat each other. Run because you have a vision and a real ability to get it done.

Medical Coverage: Something is not right if people are working and they are not covered.

Crime: It's still kind of in your face right?

The increasing gap between the worker and the this the American or (some other Nation's) dream?

Negative News: One would think that nothing positive happens in this world or this country...we just don't hear about that as often...if ever.

How about putting the AMERICA!!! back into America? Sometimes it's making me wonder if we're suffering from the low moral that is twin to paying attention to all of the wrong stuff.





  1. By bribing Congress, the Lobbyists have arranged our Health Care  system to benefit the Insurance  and Drug Companies and put the needs of the patients on the back burner.

  2. First, get rid of the Federal Reserve and income tax. Next, get rid of all the goverment waste your money has been paying for. Then bring back the US Constitution and use it as our governing guide.

    The rest will likely take care of itself.

  3. a good way to start is to take responsibitily for yourself and stay the h**l out of my life.  Work and earn what you want and need.  Dont expect a handout.  and    If I hear "its for the children" one more time.....

  4. how do i want america to improve?

    stop putting healthy animals down just because they dont have a home. They should shelter them until one day they find a home not kill them.

    Its really sicking to think how many pets die cos they dont have a home due to the screwed up system.

  5. In a perfect world, my friend.

  6. i can fix everything you just cited...outlaw liberals and all will be well.  they, after all &^*%^ed all these thing up in the first place.

  7. How about kicking out all the people that are here illegally.

  8. How about we stay out of other countries affairs, and worry about our own back yard for a change.  How about a revolution, in which we get rid of all the politicians and get people in our government who actually do care.  Oh wait, money rules the world, my bad.....

  9. America's great and all, but face it. Our economy and government is a little corrupt. There are good people, mind you, but there's so many things wrong with our country. Like the war on terror..I'm still not sure exactly why we're in Iraq!

  10. it's the people in it! to improve america we would have to - not harm others ,

    be kind, suck it up, realize that not everything is going to go one way!  

    it's not black and white!

    speak english,

    stop the populatirty game with poilities we know what is general right and general wrong!  just follow it!  

    but first and formost if you want american back in to AMERICA then we need true patriot AMERICANS and more then half!

  11. Quit acting like narcissistic idiots!  Just because Democracy is right for us does not make it right for other societies.

    We need to work on our reputation in the world.  What was once a reputation to be emulated is now the bully of the world.

    We need to work on the problems of our country.  The infrastructure, Education, Crime etc...  We can protect ourselves from terrorism at home just like the other countries do... at home!

    We need to restore our Constitution.  This administration has destroyed our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Checks and Balances.  We need to restore the rights and the Constitution and charge anyone (Up to, and including the President) who broke the laws of our country.

    We need to fix our political system.  Line Item veto to start.  This way the politicians can not sneak pork into bills that are important to our country.  That way they can be passed but not with pork.  We can restrict the line item veto to things that do not pertain to the issue of the bill.  That way you can challenge the veto if you think it applies to the bill.

    We need to bring our jobs home.  Make it so it is not fiscally beneficial to send jobs out of country.

    We need to require our politicians to grant every benefit they give themselves to every American.  The only benefit they can have is free flights (Coach) to and from Washington.

    We need to stop lobbyists.

    We need to require all government contacts must be granted through an open bid system.  If a contract is not performed, or the quality is second rate or not as represented.  We need to sue the companies for damages and forbid them from bidding or carrying out any future contracts.

    We need to set the boundaries for voting districts without preference to any external factor.  They must be set by a panel of Democrats, Republicans and Independents.  All must be represented equally.

    We must apply all of our laws to all property owned or occupied by the United States out of Country.  If any laws are broken on the property outside the USA, occupied or owned by the United States the offenders will be prosecuted in a court of law.

    Last we need to change the political race.  We need to set up a general account for political donations.  You can donate as much or as little as you want.  The account will be equally divided by each candidate.

    The candidates may only run ad that state what they have done, or want to do.  Their stances on all issues BUT......  They MAY NOT attack any other candidate or group.  There will be no attack ads.

    We must restore equal time in the media. If a television or radio show lets any Candidate or a person promoting a candidate or a party, they must offer equal time to the other sides.  If a Democratic Talking Head gets 20 min. air time then a Republican Talking-Head must get 20 min. as well.  And the Independent candidates must get the same time as well.

    We should restrict the amount of media a single person or company (Or companies) can own.  

    As a personal wish we should require regular channels to only have 1 hour  of news 3 times a day (If we wanted 24 hr. news, we would go to a 24 hr. news channel!).  All channels should not be allowed to put scrolling lettering and animations on the screen during a show unless it is a news show.  (This is a personal wish!  The animations are huge and just gives the channel the opportunity to sell all their commercial time because they put their promotional commercials on the screen during the shows.  It is irritating!)

    We must decrease the emissions.  We should offer tax-credits for development of alternate fuel sources.  We should also offer tax-credits or rebates for consumers who change over to alternate fuel sources.  We need to require all HOAs to allow solar panels or wind-vanes or anything else required for an alternate fuel source.

    We must repair the infrastructure of the roads. Good roads help decrease emissions.  We need to time all stop lights so a person traveling within 5 miles of the speed limit (Up or Down) will get all green lights on the same street.  I have lived in towns that do this, so it can be done!  This will really decrease emissions!!!!

    OK I shall get off my soap box now!  :)

  12. Some who messed things up for the rest should be imprisoned or executed.

    I won't give any names. For example in China the head of their Food & Drug Administration took bribes from a manufacturer and jepordized human safety. He was executed.

    Do you think it will happen again ?

    Howabout the death penalty for fraud. There are so many fraudulent Invention and dating type of companies in America that take peoples money and don't do anything to help the people.

    This would improve the integrity of Americas business.

    Howabout making being a violent gang member punishable by execution.  What good are gangs if more cops need to be recruited and special Gang Units have to be created to deal with them. This diverts tax payers money for non sense.

    Stop the "war on drugs". Start killing the dealers of substances that are potentially lethal;Heroin,Cocaine.  Leave the Pot heads alone. Marijuanna is not  a substance that can cause cardiac arrest. But, people who do use it and drive should be treated like drunk drivers.

    Make public-community Emergency training mandatory. You want to survive natural or man made catastrophys. Learn how by training together.

    Make it easier for people without qualifications to enter a field of work or research that interests them based on pure interest alone and not pure burocratic practices and I don't mean brain surgery. I mean if somebody wants to become a car salesman or a shoe manufacturer. Let them without making them have special qualifications.

    Make health care a right not a privilige. As it should be.

    Make restrictions on Corporations to spread their seed.  There are so many Mc Donalds,StarBucks,KFC's etc. Makes one want to clear some away with a rocket launcher and a bull doser.

    Make the legal system better by giving life sentences for people who sue a restaurant for serving hot coffe. If the person did actually order warm or hot coffe and spilled it on herself.

    Use racial and ethnic profiling for better security. Seriously, give it up already with all that worthless security screening of old American women and asking them to leave their make up and shampoo containers before boarding a flight and making all of the people wait in line ups for 4 hours at airports. This is what  Al-Qaeda wanted. Don't you get it. You guys are just making them laugh at you.

    Make real estate developers more accoutable for ecosystem destruction. Yes, they're guilty for disrupting natural eco systems and speeding up extinction. They should be made to pay for Natural Parks or build special nature conservatories of endangered species.

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