
How do you solve this problem (3x+7)+(4x-9)=?

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How do you solve this problem (3x+7)+(4x-9)=?




  1. drop the parentheses because it merely states to add 4x and add (-9) to (3x+7). Then 3x+4x=7x and 7+(-9)=-2, so 7x-2=0 move the 2 over and divide both sides by seven and x=2/7

  2. since it is an addition sign between the brackets you can simply remove the brackets:

    = 3x + 7 + 4x - 9 = 7x - 2

  3. Hi,

    For this question, get rid of the parentheses to say the following:

    3x + 7 + 4x - 9 = ?

    Now, notice that we can combine similar terms by combining the terms with the x's and the constants separately.

    Therefore, we get:

    7x - 2 <=== FINAL ANSWER

    I hope that helps you out!  Please let me know if you have any other questions!

  4. we are not solving here as there is nothing to the right of the equal sign, we are simplifying.


    = 3x+4x +7 -9

      = 7x -2

    thanks to the "mature person" who gave me and others the thumbs down- after all these years teaching u'd think i'd know how to answer this question - cheers!

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