
How do you pronounce "Viscount" the biscuit?

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I have an argument with my brother who says its pronounced "Vi-count" but I say it's "Vis-count".

His explanation is that the tv ad in the 90's said it his way, and I refuse to believe.




  1. Vi as in 'high' and Count


    Your brother is right I'm afraid!

  2. viscount is pronounced vi-count not like discount.  in the UK

    biscuit is pronounced biccy

  3. It is vi-count.The s is silent.

  4. sorry, yeah, it should be 'vi-count'. It's an old word meaning a nobleman, one step below an earl, and it's pronounced 'vi-count'.

  5. Vie count.

    Is my interpretation.

  6. You are right, its Vi-count

  7. its pronounced Vi-count, with a silent S

  8. Like many words in the English language, it is pronounced differently to how it is spelt, the "S" is silent...

  9. Your brother is right I think. I pronounce it as 'vi-count'.

  10. Vi-count....

    Mmmmmmmmm havent had one of them in ages.

    I want one! lol

  11. Your brothers right its Vi-count as in Vitality.

    Viscount is a type of aristocrat by the way.

  12. I say "Vi-count" and my partner says "vis-count!" he is from down south and i'm a northener!

  13. well ive always said vi-count

  14. I'm afraid your brother is right, it IS Vi-count.  

  15. Vi-count

  16. Look at the two sentences below:

    Vie for my affections

    Count your blessings

    put the two together and you have

    Vie Count

    Your brother is right I'm afraid - the 's' is silent :-(

  17. The olds ads pronounced it viscount, which would be the straight forward English pronunciation but when we got a bit more European they called it vi-count.

    It's the same with Nestle. It used to be pronounced the English way which would be nessle, but now we hear them saying ness-lay on the adverts.

    It's just people being clever and wanting to sound educated really.

  18. Vi count!

  19. This should solve the spat,

    I used to love the mint ones.

  20. Everyone calls them 'Vis-count' but they are actually pronunce 'Vi-count'

  21. Vi-count.

  22. Vis-Count.

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