
How do white americans view white hispanics? do they view them as white or just hispanic?

by  |  earlier

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cuz I am a white dominican boy, and a white female teacher didnt look at me as white.We were doing a census or something like that in the class..I am dominican of spanish decent. I want the opinion of white americans.thanks!




  1. They're both.  White and Hispanic

  2. That's just ridiculous that she told you that you aren't white. I, as a white american, see Hispanics as white. However, they are a different ethnicity, but not race.

  3. They view them as white until they find out they're hispanic.  Then they're just hispanic.

  4. hispanic is not the color of your skin its your ethnicity. and coming from a latin background makes you a hispanic.

  5. I view them as evil monsters sent by aliens to destroy humanity.

  6. That's really weird. She should have asked you how you wanted to identify...

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