
How do i go about taking the asvab?(read below please)

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ok so, im 17 years old and dropped out of school a couple months ago and am going to get a ged. why i did that is irrelevant so i'll get to the question...what do i need to do to take the asvab? Do i take it through my recruiter? Do i need to go to my school and take it the day they do it? What do i do?




  1. You can take it through your school (many offer ASVAB testing on the weekend just like they offer SAT & ACT testing). Other than that - once you get your GED you could go talk to a recruiter and if you're qualified they'll send you down to MEPS to take the ASVAB there.

  2. first you need to get your GED. Then you talk to a recruiter who will most likely give you a practice asvab to see where you stand and if your really worth  his time. If all goes well you schedule an apointment for MEPS. You go to a hotel in the early/late evening with a whole bunch of recruits where you stay and then wake up early as sh*t (between 3-4am) and eat and then get on a bus. You head to where ever your MEPS is on a base. There you take your asvab on a computer in a room full of computers and other people taking the asvab just like you.

  3. The recruiters,  ( some of them)  can give you the sample asvab,  but if you had not taken it at school, you will need to take it, you do not go to the school, they will have you take it at MEPS.  ( during your enlistment process)  but the first thing is to find out what branch will take you with GED  not all of them will,  i think the army and navy will,  but you must check because it changes, it goes up and down,  i know the Corps wont.  

    but just go and talk to the recruiter and he will let you know what you need to do and when you need to to do it,  what order you need to do it in,  

    good luck  ;)  

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