
How do i find out what city i was born in cause got to have it to get new birthcertificate?

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How do i find out what city i was born in cause got to have it to get new birthcertificate?




  1. Ask your parents,or other relatives where you were born.  If they can't tell you, if you know your date of birth and your full name you should be able to look it up in the Bureau of Vital Statistics in the state where you live and you think you were born.

    Good luck.

  2. Ask someone, surely someone remembers where you were born

  3. Actually, assuming you are under 30, you should be able to order your certificate from your state health department. Just bring your ID and the fee to the nearest office. Try checking on their website.

  4. ask a parent or close relative, and they should lead you in the right direction

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