
How do I add new members to my Yahoo Group?

by  |  earlier

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Some of my friends do not know how to respond to my invite. Can I add them myself to the group?




  1. THis question is very gud for moderators who want to add there friends but there friends do not know how to join.

    Link is / group / groupname / subs_add

    groupname = group name you own.

    You can add 10 members per day.

    But you should add those who are interested or those

    are your friends.If there will be spaming then yahoo will

    ban your id.

  2. If you are the owner of the privileged moderator, yes you can directly add their address to your group and here is how you can do that:

  3. not sure why they wouldn't know how to respond to an invite, the instructions are pretty forth-right- adding members isn't always the way to go- you do need permission and it's a violation w/o that- you could loose a group plus those added members wont have their Yahoo ID hooked to the subscription as far as I know, which means they wont have access to group features like links and files

    How can I directly add (not invite) members to my group?

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