
How can someone get 17935 points in only 91 days?

by  |  earlier

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just noticed that this person has 40 % best answers out of a total of 2698...that incredible don't you think, and only been a member since 14 -4 -08....Hmmm




  1. answer a c**p load of questions

  2. well.. they have no life.

    they are on answers 24/7

    and they have another account so when the question goes to voting they vote for themselves n then get best answer most of the time.. even when its not the best answer!


    there cld b more than one user that knows the password n stuff n then they all use it n answer questions (cheating the system)

  3. They answer lots of questions.

  4. They never sleep?

  5. check his BEST answers.

    How many were he had the only answer?

    How many were voted for best answer?

    How many varied and different sections did he answer in?

  6. They have no life outside of yahoo answers.

  7. dang.

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