
How can public adjusters get such a larger amount of money on a hurricane insurance claim than the homeonwer?

by  |  earlier

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dealing with the insurance company on his own. Just wonder what is the deal.




  1. The homeowner signs the agreement, giving the adjuster the "right" to whatever percentage they agreed to.  

    The homeowner gives it to them.  Period.

  2. I understand you question, but to the best of my knowledge, your premise is incorrect.

  3. The public adjuster's fee is a % of the final settlement.  The fee is spelled out in the contract the homeowner signed when he hired the public adjuster.  Usually the fee is about 10% of the settlement.  I'm no fan of public adjusters. But the homeowner hired him to render a service and for his insurance expertise/  The public adjuster has the right to get paid for that.

    If if make you feel any better -- an attorneys  fee is usually 33% plus expenses and goes up to 50% if a law suit is filed.

    So at 10% of the settlement - the public adjuster is a much cheaper option.

    However, since the public adjuster's fee is based on the amount of the settlement -- he has an incentive to inflate the claim.

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