
How can I meet Warren Buffett?

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I think my future rests in Warren Buffetts hands..... but I need to meet him!! How???




  1. Leave the poor guy alone.  Do you have any idea how many people have deluded themselves into thinking that if they can just meet Warren Buffet (or Bill Gates or Donald Trump, etc.) he'll recognize the brilliance that the rest of the world doesn't recognize (because it's a figment of your imagination)?

  2. You can bid for the Annual Win Lunch with a Billionaire auction:

    Just be prepared to put up half a mil.

  3. Buy a share of stock in his company and go to the shareholder's meeting.

    If your future rests in Buffett, you're in big trouble and need to grow up and get a life.

    The are honest, knowledgeable, worthwile and impresssive people in the securities industry that are worth knowing and meeting more than Buffett.

    Most importantly there are many more people on Wall Street that are more respected than Buffett.

  4. Buy a share of Berkshire Hathaway Stock (BRKb) for about $4500 and you will be cordially invited to attend the annual shareholder meeting in Omaha, NE during May of next year.


    Write him a well thought out letter and send it to:


    1440 Kiewit Plaza

    Omaha, NE 68131

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