
How can I customise invoices (MYOB Accounting Plus V17) to suit our business?

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I can't get our new MYOB to print invoices in the right format. I need elements from the Service invoices (being able to type specific details on the 1st line, after using an item code) and from Item invoices (entering an item code and having the description automatically enter). But I need them both on one invoice.

I work for a mechanic. His invoices need the first line as item code Labour but with different text on each invoice (such as replace radiator, or adjust brakes - it's never the same thing twice), and the parts used need to be listed on the 2nd & following lines (which are usually item codes eg, LF3000, which has the description as 'LF3000 oil filter').

Using the Item invoice type, if I put Labour as an item code and then type the description in the following field, the description doesn't print. I can't put the info in the description field in the Labour item code (in the card file), because I'd have to change it for every single invoice. wasn't any help.




  1. If you need to use items, you will ONLY be able to use an item invoice.

    I suggest you create Labour with a '/' in the front of it, and on the item details tab, tick the box that says Use item Description on Sales

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