
How bad do the shots hurt that you have to get before you go into 7th grade?

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I have to get 4 shots tomorrow and I'm going into the 7th grade Wednesday and I have asked this question 5 times some people are sarcastic saying your arm will swell up and they have to pop you arm and puss will come out. other people Say they only had to get 2 I want the people that had to get 4 to answer this question. If you say it felt like a pinch what kind of pinch hard soft oh and by the way I DO NOT handle pain very well so please answer truthfully. <3




  1. I&#039;m only in 10th grade so I remember the day well.  Just breath deeply,don&#039;t look at the nurse, and DO NOT tense your arm, count to 10, invision your best friend spinning in a circle, just try to ignore the nurse.  I swear to god, I was watching one of my friends talking to another outside the door when I got mine, by the time I realized I was supposed to get a needle it was done.  As for swelling, some people do have reactions to needles but they are rare and usually very very mild. ive seen herds of 7th graders get their shots and only 2 or 3 got a little sick like a week later, and that was only for a few hours.  

  2. It won&#039;t hurt that bad....even if they do, there are a few good things you can do:

    1. Look away from the shot, pay no attention to the needle.

    2. Have a friend, girl/boyfriend, or family member there to comfort you. Have them sit on the opposite side from where you are getting the shot. Talk to them about whatever you like, sports, T.V., whatever.

    So, basically, have something other to do besides focus on the shot. Don&#039;t pay ANY attention to the needle when it&#039;s going in. For some reason, not focusing on the pain makes it seem less painful.

    If you want a small preview, just pinch yourself as hard as you can for 1 second. After this, the pain goes away. When it is pulled out, it will sting, not to scare you.

    Good Luck with your shots, and remember, don&#039;t focus on the needle!

    P.S. I&#039;m 12 going into 7th grade, too.

  3. It&#039;ll only hurt a little bit. Do be ready for a small amount of pain but it won&#039;t take very long. Look away from the needle and it&#039;ll be over before you know it!

  4. aww i remember those days haha they really arent that bad at all.. just a pinch like someone pinching you for a quick second then it will go away... depending what shot you arm might feel a little tingly or numb but you will be fine trust me i know.. the doctors lost my record and i had to get all shots over again

  5. try 8!!!!! 4 on each arm!!!! 1 session!!!!! I HATE SHOTS. Basically I live in a 3rd world country with every disease possible and added 2 regs I had to get breast cancer and rabies 2 3 shot sequences. so no complaining even tho I just complained. It hurts but just relax ur arm and close ur eyes... sry... and no nothing that bad... by arms were iratated and were sore 4 a couple weeks... not fun but not the worst... take ibprofin or tylenol afterwards and as long as you have pain. Also cut down on sports with your arms no softball pitching 4 me. have fun!

  6. honestly i got mine yesterday, i also got four, they dont hurt very much but im pretty good w/ pain. there was one of them (the hpv) that leaves one of ur arm sore for a few days. just close ur eyes.

  7. The truth is...shots do hurt...but they are for a good reason.  You will probably get two in each arm or possibly your &quot;hip&quot;&#039; area.  Ask the nurse if you can sit down, it&#039;s the best way to relax.  She&#039;ll wipe off your arm and dart the needle in gently then inject the medicine.  It&#039;s NOT the needle that hurts (they are very thin) but sometimes they liquid injected make your arm feel heavy and sore.  Some vaccines hurt more than others but it will be all over in just a couple of minutes and then you will be all protected against some nasty diseases.  Take some pain killers before hand and it should help.  The best thing to do...just grin and bare it.  Roll up those sleeves and get protected.  

    Let us know how they go.  Good luck!

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