
How are burger king's french toast sticks any different from most other french toast sticks?

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serious question lol no really




  1. They are fried in the same oil as their fries, chicken & fish.

    Some places may opt to fry their meats in different oil than non-meat items.

  2. I don't see a difference, they are good tho.

    I didn't know u could work in Jr. High, but ok

  3. not really...

  4. they make me fatter than the others

  5. They aren't any different.

  6. The difference is you pay more if you get them from Burger King and they come in a little box with their logo on it.

  7. they have more fat in them. i didnt know burger king had french toast sticks, but since its fast food, its probably fattier...i think thats a word...

  8. Someone else is making them for you, so they taste better. :-) Pretty much all food tastes better to me when I am not the one having to prepare it.  

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