
How To show A Dog.........?

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Im only 14!

Okey Im going to A Fun Dog Show On Saturday ( Its All in the UK!)

its Like A Family One , I Want To Know How Do you actually Show A Dog?




  1. Jo S gives you good advice but showing a Staffie is slightly different to other breeds in that they should be shown facing into the ring - so the judge can see his head, like this:

    Other breeds are shown so the judge can see their profile, like this

    Make sure your dog is  used to having a stranger going over him & having his teeth examined - he needs to keep his mouth shut so the judge can lift his lips to check his teeth are in the right place (the judge may ask you to do this)

    There will probably be a Junior Hnadling class which you will be able to enter. Make sure you do what the judge asks you, keep an eye on your dog & don't forget to talk to him.

    Have fun!!!

  2. No need to panic, if it's a companion dog show. These are fairly relaxed events and most of the people there are just like you, new to showing and not really got a clue as to what to do. The only thing you really need to remember is to allow plenty of room between your dog and the ones either side of you in the ring, you don't want your dog grumbling at or clowning with the other dogs. When it's your turn to show off your dog the judge will explain what he/she wants you to do, stay calm and listen to instructions. Your dog should be worked on your left hand side and when you're asked to move your dog he or she shouldn't be pulling! When the judge has looked at all the dogs, he/she will probably have another look round the dogs, so keep an eye on the judge and try to get your dog standing nicely, preferably with you standing, or kneeling behind your dog so as to give the judge a good view. Watch the other competitors and see what they're doing.

    Look at this first show as experience, and if you get bitten by the showing bug find some local ringcraft classes. There you will learn the correct way to show your dog off in the ring.

  3. You didn't finish the question.  What do you want to show the dog?  Do you want to show it where to poo or show it where it's food is?

  4. This depends on what Breed your dog is - add it in and I'll try to help.

    Right at first the judge will look at all the dogs together and you should practise standing in front of your dog - trying to get his/her 4 legs standing in a square (front legs parallel/back legs parallel) If you talk to them they tend to look at you - try to keep your dogs attention.  (some people will be moving their dogs legs manually but you do not do this with a staffy)

    Try not to stand to close to the front (where the table is) then you can watch others but usually what happens next is the judge will move all the dogs around the ring together at a sort of jogging pace then they will stop back at where you were stood.

    Then one by one the judge will look over the dogs and touch them and make you jog individually - usually in a triangle shape then straight away from the judge and back - then make your dog stand again and join the back of the line.

    This sounds far more complicated than it is - watch earlier classes and you will get a better idea and most small shows have a children's handling class where they judge you not the dog - so as long as you try your best it doesn't matter if your dog misbehaves. Good luck and have fun - I have been showing since I was 3 (36 years ago) and my older children now show too - it can be great fun.

    Dog should be on your left.

  5. Here is a good site explaining about showing dogs.

    If you want to start showing him regulaey then it would be a good idea to find some Ring Craft clases, these classes teach you how to handle the dog and helps prepar the dog for the show.

    my mate use to show her Lhasa Apso and a few things she told be was while in the ring

    Never come between the dog and the judge,

    Dont talk to the judge unless they ask you something,

    Dress Smart

    Good luck

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