
How Has Printing helped mankind?

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My uncle has given me a project on printing he wants a lot of details this is one of the questions i could not find on the internet..... so i hope u can help me out......and it has to be in formal words because he is going to put this project in an pls help me.....thx.




  1. Prior to printing, books were copied by hand.  They were very rare and usually only in the hands of the Church.  Printed books and papers gave many people the access to information like they had never had before.

  2. Try asking your question in "Homework Help" section of education.  The Special Education section will probably not get you the answers you are looking for.  Have you tried googling your question?

  3. My daughter did a research paper on Gutenberg last year.  If you do some web searches on him and the printing press you will get lots of good answers about the differences that printing made to society.

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