
Hi im 20 im having a baby in two weeks fingers crossed

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but im single unfortunatly it dint work out with the father but we get on really well so think we will bring a child up great 2gether but i dont feel anything 4 him hes just a friend im looking forward to my baby comin but im scared also iv bin livin alone for the past two years n have been lonely i would love to have a boyfrind some one who will love me n take care of me but soon il have a child so whats the chances of that happening any time soon i hate being on my own its so lonely on a nite in bed just want some 1 to snuggle




  1. If some one is meant for you then they are meant for you. There is no way of saying when this will happen. Having a baby is all the love you are going to need in a life time. They are the most amazing thing in the whole world. Don't worry about having a guy, worry more about the upcoming baby and all the things you can do to show the baby all the love you have. I am not saying its bad to have someone to snuggle with but you have to do whats good for the baby and worrying to much about a guy when your about to give birth is loosing focus on the baby. You will have plenty of time to look for a guy later when your baby is a little more independent. Good Luck with the new little one :) you will enjoy it!  

  2. How are we supposed to know the odds of you having a boyfriend?

    I'm gonna guess it's about 50/50.  Either you have a boyfriend or you don't.

  3. Soon you'll have your baby to snuggle up to and wont have time for men! You'll be just fine x*x

  4. you need to  grow up and realize that you need to concentrate on that baby more than a guy.  that "snuggling up" is what GOT you pregnant in the first place.  BABY first, then YOU, then some guy.

  5. If you're asking whether or not guys will still be interested in you because you will have a child, the answer is: it depends on the guy. I have many single friends with children and they don't have any trouble meeting guys. Of course not every guy they meet is ready to accept a g/f with children, so those guys get kicked to the curb. But yes, you can find a great guy who will love you and accept your child. But to answer when? There's no way for us to know that.  

  6. So what is your question??

    Dont expect the baby to love and cuddle you back by any means!!  I love my son to death and would do anything for him, but being only 4 weeks old he is well... a baby!!  He has no schedule or sense of night vs. day, he cries when anything isn't exactly how he likes it, (too wet, cold/hot, wants to be held, etc.)  Babies are very selfish, but that is just how things are!

    Right now you need to put your feelings of loneliness aside and focus on your baby!  You wont have much social life for the next few months and thats ok!  Just be aware of that.

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