
Hey,i got problem abt my p***s...?

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i gt trouble in placing my p***s in my underwear..should we place it upward or downward when we wear the underwear?i usually place it upward,but it is hurt sometimes when it moves n my pubic hairs gt pulled....




  1. downward..never was comfortable with the upward.  

  2. just place it whatever way if comfortable. it's not rocket science!


  3. my boyfriend just told me he wears his p***s down. hope that helps :)

  4. dude your unit is going to grow to whatever size it will grow no matter what position you put it in your underwear. your size is determined by your genes that your parents gave you to make you who you are. if your family has short units then you will have a short one too. pull up your shorts and where ever it ends up will be okay. I wear boxer shorts and or nothing and werever my junk falls in my shorts is where it stays


  5. never place your p***s downwardcause it will it upward and get trim of your pubic hair.

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