
Help i'm having an eating problem!?

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Okay so I'm trying to get over anorexia. For about a week now, I've been eating three meals a day, something that I haven't done in almost two years. For dinner, I've been having grilled chicken, stir fried vegetables, and a small amount of rice with salsa. Every night I've looked forward to dinner and I haven't really been paranoid about gaining weight.

Now all the sudden today, I have absolutely no appetite for dinner. Nothing sounds appetizing and we're all out of stir fry sauce so I can't have that. Besides having no appetite, I all the sudden feel FAT. I haven't worried about my weight at all and now I'm freaking out that I'm putting on fat from eating more than 800 calories a day. I'm so tempted to skip dinner but I have to get weighed at the nutritionist tomorrow and if I haven't stopped losing weight, they're taking away my daily exercise.





  1. Don't worry. Everyone must eat. Eating is necessary unless you just want to be a little stick who can't do anything, and feels tired and fatigued all the time.

    It may seem like a lot of work, but counterbalance the food you eat with doing exercise. Just go to the gym, or run outside. Run sprints, and long distances. Do jump roping. Just stay active, and you will look and feel better (when combined with eating healthily and regularly) than you did with not eating at all.

  2. Stop freaking out. Remember that if you starve yourself you are going to end up suffering from malnutrition and you are going to get fat if you don't start eating correctly now.

    Eating more and moving more keeps you thin.

    Starving myself is what made me end up being morbidly obese a couple of years ago. This is what I did to lose 100 pounds.

    Its healthy and will keep you thin.

    Don't harm yourself with poor eating habits.

    Make sure you have at least 1,200 calories a day. Break it up into 6 small meals of 200-300 calories each. Space the meals 3-4 hours apart.

    Cadio exercise 5 days a week at least in 30 min. - 60 min. sessions. If you skip one, don't freak out about it. Stay motivated.

    Weightlifting every other day! Eat lots of protein, drink only water and Crystal Light Energy, and get enough fiber/calcium.

    You may want to consider taking a multi-vitamin and calcium+vitamind d supplement.

    Good luck!

  3. Chill out already, chica!  A normal size female (without exercise, because you mentioned you can't exercise) can eat 1,500 - 1,600 calories and maintain weight.  If your dinner doesn't sound good then it's probably because you're bored of it.  If you're super concerned about the calories, just have this for dinner (it will rock your world) - fat free yogurt + sliced banana + sliced strawberries.  It's very light in calories but so delicious.  

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