
Health-Care Reform or Universal Health-Care?

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When questions on the health-care industry in the United States come up it seems that most agree change is needed. Most though are against the government running any type of socialized care, especially when we look at social security and medicare. Is the system actually broken? or is are morality and ethics causing all the concern? Really why should we care if someone loses everything they have worked all their lives to gain? In order for insurance companies, hospitals, and health-care workers to stay in business they have to be profitable wouldn't you agree?

Speaking morally and ethically say we don't want people to lose what they have worked all their lives for no matter how little or how much they have gained, those with the most usually will be able to afford health-care the problem is those in the middle class who have no insurance do to the high prices charged for coverage.

Ways to Make coverage more affordable in my opinion.

1st. Hospitals should be for treating the injured and ill. They should not

be for profit.

2nd. Those entering the health-care profession after working should be

given a five year grace period on any loans made to pay for their

schooling then be able to pay back the money at no interest.

3rd. Prices should be set by the government.

4th. All insurance billings will use the same forms and codes.

5th. All insurance premiums will be set on a tier system depending on

the income level of the insured.

6th. Good doctors will not be punished by high medical malpractice

insurance premiums do to those who are careless. Doctors who

have never had a complaint filed malpractice insurance will be set

at a low rate.

7th. Drug companies when releasing new drugs will be given longer

periods of exclusiveness on the drug. This will allow them to sell

the drug over a longer amount of time at a much lower price.

Who agree these things would be a good start, and who disagrees and why?




  1. I stopped reading when you started listing ideas.

    The bottom line:

    Health Care is a human right that no person should be denied (in my opinion even illegal immigrants) and to do so is a sin and a crime.

    I believe that there should be national/universal health care. The government should pay for it just like public education. The government would never deny any child the right to go to school...shouldn't health care be the same way?

  2. I stopped reading after "should not be for profit."  In a capitalist country, those businesses and individuals that provide services and goods receive profits.

    Profits are a good thing.  Health care costs can be reduced if we open up a competitive market in that industry.

    For the answer under mine, government does NOT pay for things.  Think!  Where does the government get money from?

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